
A Spacious accommodation



shower / hairdryer

Satellite TV / safebox

one double bed


high speed wi-fi


One double bed

Room sizes

18 m2 

No. of people

Up to 2 people

Daily rate from

Please consult our booking page or your travel agent

Design and comfort are perfectly combined here, because we care about your well-being – all the materials used for room decoration are environment friendly, and your individual climate control can be adjusted accurately by degree.

The Superior room features a king size double bed , a modern bathroom with walk-in shower cabin, and a private balcony with garden view.

Beautiful Garden View

Air Conditioned

Fast & Secure WI-FI

Terms and Remarks

Check out time 12:00 noon.
Clients occupying the room till 18:00 are charged an extra 50% on room rate.
After 18:00 a full room rate is paid.
Renting per-bed is prohibited.
Clients under no circumstances should agree to pay amounts exceeding these mentioned here.

Cancellation – Client Information:
If cancellation is effected 21 days prior to the date of arrival, deposit is refunded to the client.
If cancellation is effected after the lapse of 21 days prior to the date of arrival, client has to cover the 50% of the cost of his stay.
In case of cancellation during stay,no refund is possible.